This is the companion web site for a book: 古代言情小说,好看的古代言情小说 - 奇书网:2021-1-13 · · 晋江VP2021-1-11完结总书评数:327 当前被收藏数:1337花畔自小被幽冥之主临渊养大,灵力无边,是冥界赫赫有名的一霸。自幽冥之主魂飞魄散后,众鬼想欺凌花畔,却个个被打的鼻青脸肿。 and its three past editions written by myself (Steven Halim - 老王v2.2.8, Kattis status), my younger brother (老王v2.2.8 - UVa status, 老王vp2021), and my friend (Suhendry Effendy - UVa status, Kattis status) in 2010 - present. This book is used in my course in School of Computing, National University of Singapore: CS3233 - Competitive Programming (2009-present) and available for wider audiences since 2010. This book contains a collection of competitive programming skills gained by solving more than 3458+ UVa (1999-present) plus Kattis (2015-present) online judge problems and being involved in the ICPCs (since 2001) and the IOIs (since 2009) in various roles: contestants (long ago), coaches, judges, Regional Contest Director, and/or International Committee member.
Our objective in writing this book is similar with the IOI objective+ICPC vision: to further improve humanity by training current students to be more competitive in programming contests. The possible long term effect is future Computer Science researchers who are well versed in problem solving skills. We use C++ (primary), Java, Python, and OCaml code to illustrate the algorithmic concepts, i.e., we dislike vague pseudo-code commonly found in many other Computer Science textbooks. We also use visualization tool: VisuAlgo to help explain the data structure and algorithm concepts to our audiences and beyond.
This Competitive Programming book, 4th edition (CP4) is a must have for every competitive programmer. Mastering the contents of this book is a necessary (but admittedly not sufficient) condition if one wishes to take a leap forward from being just another ordinary coder to being among one of the world's finest competitive programmers.
"The authors are seasoned competitive programming experts who have dedicated decades of work to help at all levels of the sport."
"Steven, Felix, Suhendry in the past two decades, have grown from contestants, to coaches and, finally, masters in the art of competitive programming."
""Competitive Programming" and Kattis share this motivating principle: to make learning computer science and programming accessible for everyone."
"As director of the USA Computing Olympiad and coach of my University's ICPC teams, I have seen firsthand how competitive programming has become a key part of the global computing talent pipeline - both academia and industry are now filled with present-day superstars who were formerly superstars in competitive programming."
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"Steven and Felix are passionate about competitive programming. Just as importantly, they are passionate about helping students become better programmers. CP3 is the result: a dauntless dive into the data structures, algorithms, tips, and secrets used by competitive programmers around the world. Yet, when the dust settles on the book, the strongest sillage is likely to be one of confidence---that, yes, this stuff is challenging, but that you can do it."
"CP-Book helped us to train many generations of ICPC and IOI participants for Bolivia. It's the best source to start and reach a good level to be a competitive programmer."
"Reading CP3 has been a major contributor to my growth, not just as a competitive programmer, but also as a computer scientist. My entire approach to problem solving has been improved by doing the exercises in the book; my passion for the art of problem solving, especially in contest environments, has been intensified. I now mentor several students using this book as a guide. It is an invaluable resource to anyone who wants to be a better problem solver."
"I rediscovered CP3 book on 2017-2019 when I come back to Peru after my master in Brazil, I enjoyed, learned and solved many problems, more than during my undergraduate, coaching and learning together in small group of new students that are interesting in competitive programming. It kept me in a constantly competition with them, at the end they have solved more problems than me."
"CP1 helped my preparation during national team training and selection for participating the IOI. When I took the competitive programming course in NUS, CP2 book is extensively used for practice and homework. The good balance between the programming and theoretic exercises for deeper understanding in the book makes CP book a great book to be used for course references, as well as for individual learning. Even at the top competitive programming level, experts can still learn topics they have not learnt before thanks to the rare miscellaneous topics at the end of the book."
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"Flunked really hard at IOI 2017, missing medal cutoff by 1 place. Then at the beginning of 2018 Steven Halim gave me a draft copy of CP3.1 / CP4 and I ended up getting a gold medal!"
"As a novice self-learner, CP-book helped me to learn the topics in both fun and challenging ways. As an avid and experienced CP-er, CP-book helped me to find a plentiful and diverse problems. As a trainer, CP-book helped me to plan ahead the materials and tactical strategies or tricks in competition for the students. As the person ever in those three different levels, I must effortlessly say CP-book is a must-have to being a CP master!"
"I've been in CP for three years. A rookie number for all the competitive programmers out there. I have a friend (still chatting with him today) who introduced me to this book. He's my roommate on our National Training Camp for IOI 2018's selection. I finally get a grab of this book in early 2019. To be honest I'm not the `Adhoc' and good at `Math' type of CP-er. I love data structures, graph (especially trees) And this CP3 book. Is a leap of knowledge. No joke. I met Dr Felix when I was training in BINUS, I also met Dr Steven when I competed in Singapore's NOI and one of my unforgettable moment is, this legend book got signed by its two authors. Even tho the book is full of marks and stains, truly one of my favorite. Kudos for taking me to this point of my life."
"I bought CP3 on 7th April 2014 on my birthday as a gift for myself and it has been the most worth-it 30USD spent by me on any educational material. In the later years, I was able to compete in IOI and ICPC WF. I think CP3 played a very big factor in igniting the interest and providing a strong technical foundation about all the essential topics required in CP."
"I have always wanted to get involved in competitive programming, but I didn't know how and where to get started. I was introduced to this book while taking Steven's companion course (CS3233) in NUS as an exchange student, and I found the book to be really helpful in helping me to learn competitive programming. It comes with a set of Kattis exercises as well. This book provides a structured content for competitive programming, and can be really useful to anyone ranging from beginners to experts. Just like CLRS for algorithms, CP is THE book for competitive programming."
"My memories about CP3 is me reading it in many places, the bus, my room, the library, the contest floor...not much time had passed since I start in competitive programming reading CP3 until I got qualified to an ICPC World Final"
"My name is Alisia Maria Lupidi and I am an ICPC contestant. I take part in the SWERC and this month (July 2020) I won the gold medal at the Girls ICPC ACPC. My boyfriend, who is a bronze medalist at the SWERC, gave me the CP4 yesterday (30 July) as a present for my birthday (soon). I would like you to know how important your work is for us contestants and to thank you for writing the best birthday present ever!"
While we strive to minimize the number of errors in the book, it is near impossible to have 0 error in a 681 pages Book 1+2 dispite of multiple re-reads.
Here are the list of known (minor) issues that are found after Sunday, 19 July 2020 initial release.
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Major update (Wednesday, 01 January 2020): CP3 (2013 edition with a bit of 2018 upgrade) is now available in Spanish language. If you are a Spanish-speaking programmer, we recommend that you get the Spanish version that has been translated over the past 1+ year by Miguel Revilla Rodriquez (the current admin of (UVa) Online Judge). Here is the Amazon Link, ISBN: 978-1711024813.
Major update (Tuesday, 24 October 2017): CP3 is now available in Korean language. If you are Korean, we recommend that you get the Korean version that has been translated over the past 1+ year by lewha0. Here is the publisher link: Insight Book, Korea.